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Bonus - Episode 49: Resiliency During COVID-19 - Being Gentle with Yourself

Uncategorized Apr 12, 2020

In today's episode, Dr. Lydiana Garcia reminds us that during a time like this we can and should give ourselves a break and, that by being gentle with ourselves we can build more resilience for our lives.

For more information about ‘The Beyond Resilience Life Podcast’ please visit us @:

*This series is unedited due to the urgency of the situation. Please excuse any extra sounds.

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Episode 48: Postpartum Healing

Uncategorized Apr 07, 2020

Continuing with our second season, today's episode touches on a topic often overlooked and to tell us more about it I have with me an amazing doula and postpartum expert; Jazmin Turley! She lives in Utah but we met last year during a conference and since then I follow her and her great insight into the postpartum stage or what is called nowadays the fourth trimester.

Besides giving us really useful tips and recommendations Jazmin also talks about 2 books that can really help during this time. The Fourth Trimester by Kimberly Johnson and The First 40 Days by Heng Ou.

You can find her on Instagram: or  where she partners with another amazing postpartum expert.

For more information about ‘The Beyond Resilience Life Podcast’ please visit us @:

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Episodio 47 - Bono: Resiliencia durante el COVID-19 - Manejando el Sentido de Urgencia

Uncategorized Apr 05, 2020

En el episodio de hoy la Dr. Lydiana Garcia nos habla un poco acerca de que hacer cuando sentimos ese sentido de urgencia con respecto a esta situación y que nos puedan ayudar a adquirir mas resiliencia durante la incertidumbre que genera la pandemia del COVID-19.

Para más información acerca del Podcast ‘Viviendo mas Allá de la Resiliencia’ visítanos en:


[email protected]

*Esta serie es sin editar debido a la urgencia de la situación. Por favor disculpe cualquier sonido extra.

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Bonus - Episode 46: Resiliency During COVID-19 - What to do with the Sense of Urgency

Uncategorized Apr 05, 2020

In today's episode, Dr. Lydiana Garcia guides us into how to handle the feeling of an urge to do something and what to do with it in the hopes that it will help us build more resilience during this pandemic.

For more information about ‘The Beyond Resilience Life Podcast’ please visit us @:

*This series is unedited due to the urgency of the situation. Please excuse any extra sounds.

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Episode 45: La Relación de la Pareja Luego de la Llegada del Bebé

Uncategorized Apr 01, 2020

Mi invitada de hoy Denise Vite, LCSW nos acompaña para hablar sobre un tema muy importante y muchas veces ignorado; el impacto que tiene la llegada del bebé en la relación de una pareja.

Los invito a que escuchen unas muy buenas recomendaciones que nos comparte Denise acerca de las formas en que la pareja puede reencontrarse una vez el bebé ha nacido y la dinámica cambia de ser solo la pareja y encargarse solo de las necesidades de ellos a tener un bebé que ahora acapara toda la atención en el hogar. 

En su practica privada Denise ofrece unos talleres para ayudar a las parejas a encontrar ese balance tan necesario para poder alcanzar una vida de pareja y un hogar felices.  

Algunos libros que ella recomienda usar como guía son:

- And Baby Makes Three por el autor John Gottman, PhD 

- Los Siete Principios para Hacer que el Matrimonio Funcione,       también por John Gottman, PhD.


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Episodio 44 - Bono: Resiliencia durante el COVID-19 - 5 Recomendaciones para Manejar la Ansiedad

Uncategorized Mar 29, 2020

En el episodio de hoy la Dr. Lydiana Garcia nos da 5 recomendaciones que nos pueden ayudar a adquirir mas resiliencia durante estos momentos inciertos con la pandemia del COVID-19.

Para más información acerca del Podcast ‘Viviendo mas Allá de la Resiliencia’ visítanos en:


[email protected]

*Esta serie es sin editar debido a la urgencia de la situación. Por favor disculpe cualquier sonido extra.

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Bonus - Episode 43: Resiliency During COVID-19 - 5 Recommendations to Manage Anxiety

Uncategorized Mar 29, 2020

In today's episode, Dr. Lydiana Garcia gives us some recommendations to manage anxiety so we can work towards building resilience during this pandemic.

For more information about ‘The Beyond Resilience Life Podcast’ please visit us @:

*This series is unedited due to the urgency of the situation. Please excuse any extra sounds.

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Episodio 42 - Bono: Serie Sobre Resiliencia durante el COVID-19 - Auto-Reflexión

Uncategorized Mar 25, 2020

En el episodio de hoy la Dr. Lydiana Garcia nos guía a través de un método de auto-reflexión para ayudarnos a adquirir mas resiliencia durante estos momentos inciertos con la pandemia del COVID-19.

Para más información acerca del Podcast ‘Viviendo mas Allá de la Resiliencia’ visítanos en:


[email protected]

*Esta serie es sin editar debido a la urgencia de la situación. Por favor disculpe cualquier sonido extra.

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Bonus - Episode 41: Resiliency During COVID-19 Series - Going Inwards

Uncategorized Mar 25, 2020

In today's episode, Dr. Lydiana Garcia talks about how to go inwards and a reflection to then learn how to move forward as a way to help you build resilience during this pandemic.

For more information about ‘The Beyond Resilience Life Podcast’ please visit us @:

*This series is unedited due to the urgency of the situation. Please excuse any extra sounds.

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Episode 40: Partner's Relationship After Birth

Uncategorized Mar 24, 2020

In today's episode, I have a great conversation with Denise Vite, LCSW about how a couple's relationship is impacted by the baby's birth.

Tune in to listen to all the great recommendations she gives on how to reconnect with your partner once the baby arrives, like the "Bringing Baby Home" workshop she hosts at her practice.

Some of the resources Denise talked about are; 

- And Baby Makes Three, by John Gottman, PhD

- 7 Principles of Making Marriage Work, by John Gottman, PhD

- How Not To Hate Your Husband After Kids, by Jancee Dunn

- Hold Me Tight Retreats and Workshops by Dr. Sue Johnson

- Mom and Mind Podcast: Check out episode 105 on Postpartum Sex

For more information about Denise, check out her website, or on Instagram

For more information about ‘The Beyond Resilience Life Podcast’ please visit us @:


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Join us for this FREE online gathering!

We will focus on connecting  with each other and reflecting on the year and its lessons. There will also be Q&A towards the end.

Thursday, December 17th 5:00pm-6:15pm PT