Connecting with the Great Mother: Transforming Our Lives and the World
Dr. Lydiana Garcia, PhD
To close the month of mothers, I want to share with you a profound and transformative topic: the Great Mother. Connecting with her can not only heal your personal wounds but also contribute to the improvement of the world in general.
In these challenging times, it is crucial to acknowledge the ongoing genocides and human rights atrocities occurring around the world; Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Haití and many more. Being conscious of these tragedies and the suffering they cause, it becomes even more imperative to connect with the Great Mother. By embracing her nurturing and healing energy, we can cultivate compassion, resilience, and a deeper commitment to justice and peace. This connection can empower us to take meaningful action and support those who are most affected, fostering a world where love and empathy prevail. And it reminds us to take care of the mother, what gives us life and nurturance. We are the caretakers of the land, and I bet you agree that we can do a better job at it.
Part I: Imperfect Motherhood Stories
with Dr. Lydiana Garcia with Maritere R. Bellas, Dr. María Dominguez, PhD, and Yuritzy Gomez Serrano
In honor of Mother's Day, I’ve created a podcast episode about imperfect motherhood with the intention of normalizing this "imperfection" while we're mothering, especially right now, as social media is highlighting of this idea of what a mom or a caregiver should be. This newer generations who are parenting are surrounded with an extra layer of pressure. We’re being super informed and by having all this access to so much information, then also comes the pressure. There’s also social media which often feels virtual bullying in a way.
Part II: Imperfect Motherhood Stories
with Gladys Aguilar LCSWand Dr. Lydiana Garcia, PhD
I wanted to normalize different things and to burst that idea that we have to be this perfect mom, that we have to be this regulated mom, that we have to be super conscious about everything that we're doing. Yes, we're healing intergenerational trauma, we're changing patterns, and at the same time, we're still human. And even if we try our best, there still stuff that is going to be passed down. And this is super important because the pressure that I'm seeing people putting on themselves to heal all these kind of things can be actually overpowering and getting in the way of you actually changing some things and changing some patterns.
Part I: Survivor Love Letter
with Dr. Lydiana Garcia
I wanted to dedicate this blog post to anyone that was touched by or experienced sexual assault, or sexual abuse or rape. I’ll be sharing 10 Loving Reminders with the intention that they be received by the unconscious parts of you that can listen without the filter of the conscious, and all the biases, and all the “I can't, I am not suppose, I'm not good enough”. If you’d allow me, I wanted to bypass all of that and go straight to your heart, straight to your essence, and to your spirit to help remind you of some truth that can be liberating and that can help you in your journey.
Part II: Survivor Love Letter
with Dr. Lydiana Garcia
We continue with the remaining 5 of the 10 Loving Reminders.
I hope all these message went straight to your heart. And as we're reminding ourselves of the Sexual Assault Awareness, I think it's important for you to also remember and remind yourself of your wholeness. May you return to your soul, truth, purpose, love, and person.
The Healing Power of Nature
with Cindy Rodriguez
A lot of us, especially our ancestors, consider nature as a healer, not only for our physical health but for our overall wellbeing - body, mind and spirit. We’ve dedicated the month of April to honor Earth Day which is being celebrated every April 22nd. I had the privilege of talking about the powerful benefits of nature over on The Beyond Resilience Life Podcast with an amazing guest, Cindy Rodriguez. She is the founder of Reclama, a spiritual hiking and journaling community for women of color.
Pleasure as Self-Care
with Dr. Damaris Suazo, PhD
Self-care, as I see it, is a way of breaking patterns, breaking intergenerational trauma, and breaking patriarchy. It's so important especially for us women to start thinking about pleasure, to stop hustling and to start just having more fun and ease. I had the privilege of having my amazing cousin and friend Dr. Damaris Suazo, PhD to discuss about the importance of finding pleasure as part of women’s well being and self-care.
Part I: Women Empowerment Stories
with Angie Rojo, Pam Covarrubias, Rosalia RIvera, Emilia Ortega-Jara LCSW, and Dr. Lydiana Garcia
March is Women’s History Month and International Women's Day is also celebrated on March 8th. To honor and celebrate us women, I did a special collaboration with four amazing guests. We’ve shared a little bit about the different struggles that we’ve encountered as a woman, and ways that we’ve been able to move forward and resolve them in a way that honors ourselves.
Part II: Women Empowerment Stories
with Angie Rojo, Pam Covarrubias, Rosalia RIvera, Emilia Ortega-Jara LCSW, and Dr. Lydiana Garcia
I shared one of the hardest situations I've recently had and how I was able to overcome it. I also shared some recommendations for other women who are going through adversity.
Part I: Healing Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome
How It Impacts Our Lives and The Importance of Healing
with Dr. Lydiana Garcia
In honor of my Afro-Latina roots and the Black History Month (when the Podcast episode was released), I invite you to join me as I dive into the explanation of what Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome is, it’s impact in so many lives and the importance of healing and ways we can heal...
Part II: Healing Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome
Top Ways to Help You Heal
with Dr. Lydiana Garcia
Family is the foundation but depending on your situation, you can establish good boundaries with your family members. You might have come from a family that was disruptive, was toxic, or put all these different labels that you cannot spend time with them because of all these different interactions that continue to make you feel oppressed.
Part III: Healing Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome
My Personal Journey
with Dr. Lydiana Garcia
I'm definitely working on breaking some of the patterns, and it's hasn’t been easy. There are days I'm so overwhelmed that I scream more than I want to. But then I think about that whole aspect that Dr. Dan Siegel talks about, the repair and the ways that you can repair.
Improving the Relationship with Ourselves
with Dr. Lydiana Garcia
As we are celebrating love and relationships this February, we also need to talk about the most important relationship we can have, our relationship with ourselves. Relationship with others come and go but in the end, we will always just have ourselves. We need to learn how to foster that relationship and create a way to relate to ourselves in a way that honors us, and that helps others see and respect us and relate to us in that way.
What is Chronic Stress and How to Manage It
with Dr. Lydiana Garcia
We all deal with stress in our lives, with our jobs, our family members and relationships, financial and health concerns, being a caregiver or raising little kiddos, and the list can go on and on. But this stress becomes chronic when it stays prolonged for a long period of time which can then impact not only our health..
PART I: Creating a Self-Regulation Plan
with Dr. Lydiana Garcia
It must feel amazing for most of us that 2020 is out and done. And with this new month comes all these new things about creating a new year’s resolution. But after last year, many are also considering different alternatives to that. On this blog post, I’ll be guiding you on how to create a self-regulation plan which is a great alternative to creating a new year’s resolution and also a great way to start the year.
PART II: Creating a Self-Regulation Plan
with Dr. Lydiana Garcia
Using your 5-sense to create a sense of comfort. This exercise is for you to identify the things and activities that you enjoy through the 5-senses and movements that can assist in your self-care and self-regulation. I usually recommend at least five things for each of the below senses or movements, anything that brings you a sense of comfort.
Reflections on 2020
with Dr. Lydiana Garcia
Even though 2020 has been a crazy year, I think it deserves a lot of reflection and a lot of exploring as we enter this new year. Time may just be a concept that human beings designed, but sometimes it helps us have a structure about cycles, when some things end and new things begin. From this perspective, I invite you to think about the things that you want to close as part of 2020, and the ideas that you want to bring into your life or just reflect about for 2021.
Building a Relationship with Your Body and Inner Guidance
with Dr. Lydiana Garcia
If we really look in the motivational speakers and personal growth arena, a lot of the speakers and gurus share the same thing about the ability to be in control with your mind over your whole body, about not letting your sensations and your emotions run your life.
Identifying and Managing the Internalized Oppression
with Dr. Lydiana Garcia
with Dr. Lydiana Garcia
I’ve always been interested in deepening my understanding about racism, and internalized oppression, and all those well-validated anger towards white. As a Puerto Rican, the makeup of who I am is a mix of Spaniard, of Black, and of indigenous or Taíno. I am kind of both because aside from having Black and indigenous ancestors, I have those that were the colonizers themselves...
PART I: Mental Health Respite, a Coping Skills Experiential Blog
with Dr. Lydiana Garcia
Something I tell my clients about this pandemic is that it’s like putting a magnifying glass - the sun is hitting you harder into your old wounds, opening some wounds because the sun is so intense with the magnifying glass...
PART II: Mental Health Respite, a Coping Skills Experiential Blog
with Dr. Lydiana Garcia
Guided Meditation - As you settle in, whether you're sitting or lying, or you're walking and taking a very slow walk out of distractions as much as possible, this would be a great time to...
LIFE UPDATE: Life with Two Kids
with Dr. Lydiana Garcia
The last few months has really been interesting and challenging for most of us. We are experiencing adversity and something new that many of us have not experienced or have not experienced in a long time as a collective...
PART I: Infant Massage Technique
Guest: Andrea Vargas, LMHC
The first five years of our lives is where everything starts, they are so crucial and are fundamentally important. If we have an overall positive experience from zero to five, it makes us stronger and more resilient...
PART II: Infant Massage Technique
Guest: Andrea Vargas, LMHC
Infant massage is designed for babies from zero to two years old. The Infant Massage Technique Andrea practices is a combination of the attachment theory and the developmental play therapy...
PART I: Infancy Resilience
Guest: Dr. Christine Rivera
As an infant, we were technically dependent on someone else. We were like living in a survival mode. Our relationship with our caregivers is the first one we experience...
PART II: Infancy Resilience
Guest: Dr. Christine Rivera
Most parents, especially the soon-to-be parents, would usually take classes to prepare for the baby's arrival. However, planning and preparing for the postpartum stage is not being really prioritized...
Postpartum Healing
Guest: Jazmin Turley
Postpartum is a mix of many feelings and emotions. When you give birth, you not only bring a new soul into the world but you also birth a new person in yourself....
PART I: The Importance of Teaching Consent to Children
Guest: Rosalia Rivera
Consent-based parenting is a whole way of thinking of parenting. For Rosalia Rivera, a consent educator and a sexual literacy advocate, consent-based parenting is making this big shift of how we interact with our kids...
PART II: The Importance of Teaching Consent to Children
Guest: Rosalia Rivera
A lot of parents share their experience of having an awkward conversation or that their child does not want to talk about consent and sexuality...
PART I: Partner's Relationship After Birth
Guest: Denise Vite, LCSW
For most couples, the relationship takes a backseat after having children. All the stress in figuring things out, feeling overwhelmed and the lack of enough rest and sleep can affect any couple’s mental and emotional...
PART II: Partner's Relationship After Birth
Guest: Denise Vite, LCSW
There are a lot of different issues a couple could experience after the baby arrives. However, it is important to note that these things do not happen to everyone. Knowing some of these issues can help you relate and develop awareness...
Resiliency During COVID-19: Resiliency Pause
Dr.Lydiana Garcia
The pandemic we are still experiencing has probably made most of us realize how things may not be the same. Even though we may have access to a lot of tools and resources that in the past have been really helpful to us, it may not be the same...
Resiliency During COVID-19: What To Do With the Sense of Urgency
Dr.Lydiana Garcia
Together, we are all going through a collective trauma during this COVID-19 pandemic. Though some may just be going through it and trying to flow as much as possible...
PART I: Mother's Day Special
Dr.Lydiana Garcia
Today, I have the pleasure and honor of sharing this special blog post for mothers on Mother’s Day. First of all, I just want to say Congratulations. I hope you're celebrating today regardless of how you're celebrating...
PART II: Mother's Day Special
Dr.Lydiana Garcia
After being in the paralyze mode for several months, I started realizing that there was something happening, that I was not connecting to my son. I definitely seek out help and connect with my friends...
Resiliency During COVID-19: Being Gentle with Yourself
Dr.Lydiana Garcia
With all the uncertainty and with how this pandemic is impacting each one of us in a different way, it is extremely important that we also learn how to be more gentle with ourselves. When you think about the pressures that you add into your life
Resiliency During COVID-19: 5 Recommendations to Manage Anxiety
Dr.Lydiana Garcia
Being sheltered at home can be really tough depending, too, on the different circumstances you are in. Here are five simple recommendations I consider to be helpful in managing anxiety...
Resiliency During COVID-19: Going Inwards
Dr.Lydiana Garcia
For most of us, this whole pandemic is pushing us to stop with our daily routines. It has pushed us to slow down, stop from whatever we’re doing, and start a new normal ASAP....
Resiliency During COVID-19: Accepting What Is
Dr.Lydiana Garcia
The pandemic that the whole world is experiencing has certainly been a daily struggle to almost everyone. There’s a lot of fear not only on the physical health but also because of uncertainty...
PART I: Postpartum Resilience
Guest: Susana Marquez, LMFT
Most people plan for a safe and successful pregnancy, birth, or lactation but most mothers don't plan for the postpartum stage. Building resilience during this stage is as important as planning for the birth of your baby...
PART II: Postpartum Resilience
Guest: Susana Marquez, LMFT
Being a new mom is undoubtedly one of the most transformation experiences in our lives. This postpartum stage is an exciting, life-changing and overwhelming experience that many of us failed to prepare for.
Resilient Birth
Guest: Zul Ruiz Ginés, LM, CPM
Planning and preparing for your baby’s arrival should not only be focused on buying baby clothes or decorating the room. Spending some time and focusing on things that gets you empowered and makes you more resilient...
PART I: A Resilient Pregnancy
Guest: Emilia Ortega-Jara, LCSW
Pregnancy may be the most beautiful and at the same time, the scariest moment of a woman’s life. There are a lot of different emotions and experiences you could encounter throughout this ten month (for most women) journey...
PART II: A Resilient Pregnancy
Guest: Emilia Ortega-Jara, LCSW
Some of the explanations of why you are the way you are today can be traced back to when you’re still in the womb, where a lot of things are being passed from generation to generation...
The Healing Journey for BIPOC
Guest: Natalie Gutierrez, LMFT
Black, indigenous, and people of color have gone through a lot of extreme, overwhelming experiences and its effect is still being passed down across generations...