Women Empowerment Stories

with Emilia Ortega-Jara, LCSW, Rosalia RIvera, Pam Covarrubias, Angie Rojo, and Dr. Lydiana Garcia


March is Women’s History Month and International Women's Day is also celebrated on March 8th. To honor and celebrate us women, I did a special collaboration with four amazing guests - Angie Rojo, Emilia Ortega-Jara LCSW, Pam Covarrubias and Rosalia RIvera. 

We’ve shared a little bit about the different struggles that we’ve encountered as a woman, and ways that we’ve been able to move forward and resolve them in a way that honors ourselves.

You can also listen to the full episode of the podcast HERE.



Emilia Ortega-Jara, LCSW 

Emilia Ortega-Jara LCSW is a mama to a nine year old, a wife, a coach and a psychotherapist in private practice. She’s the founder and clinical director of Corazon Counseling, a group practice that specializes in supporting families during the perinatal period - that is pregnancy and postpartum. She is also a coach for mental health professionals, and supports therapists in their journey to self preservation. In addition, she is a cultural practitioner and a ceremonial Aztec dancer, and practices her ancestral indigenous ways.


What's been one of the hardest challenges you've overcome as a woman? And how do you do it?

About 15 years ago, I was diagnosed with Grave's disease, an autoimmune condition that creates havoc in your body, mind and spirit. I was living in constant anxiety, panic, and at times at the verge of psychosis, all due to the excess hormones and inflammation in my body. I live like this for almost three to four years, until doctors were able to figure out what was going on. My immune system was attacking my own body, especially my thyroid. Doctors told me that this would affect my fertility, and that maybe I will not be able to get pregnant. And if I did, it would be a high risk pregnancy and pregnancy loss was possible. I was devastated. These were very difficult years. I was also in graduate school, working as a director for a kidney organizing center. I was miles away from my family, dealing with the ups and downs of my symptoms, both physically and mentally. I was so exhausted at so many levels. But my tenacious resilience spirit gave me the strength to continue. And I prioritize my well being by being in a loving relationship with my body by asking it what it needed, by listening to it, by nourishing it with love, acceptance and rest. I was also very active in my science spiritual community. I was meditating, dancing, praying, going to ceremony, spending time in nature on a regular basis. All of these were foundational in my journey to healing and coping with this chronic autoimmune disease. So now looking back, I see that these challenges were blessings they have for me and guided my work from a beautiful, humble place. I am grateful for this experience and the blessings that came from it.


What's a message or recommendation for other women that are going through adversity?

Gracefully accept that life is going to be challenging at times. Trust that you will be okay no matter what the outcome is. This is part of your journey, your rite of passage. Remember you are sacred and connected to all of creation. The elements of a beautiful and nourishing Earth Mother also live within you. Stay grounded in your truth, and remember your roots. Practice being in the present moment. Resting, releasing restoring. Reach out to your support system and trust your intuition. Remember, the medicine is within you.


Share any upcoming project and where people can find you.

To find out more about our services at Corazon Counseling and Yollotl Cuicatl Coaching and Guidance, follow us on Instagram, or sign up for our newsletter at [email protected], where we'll be sharing upcoming placticas, workshops and group coaching opportunities coming this spring and summer. Muchas gracias, blessings.


Rosalia Rivera

Rosalia Rivera is a consent educator and an abuse prevention specialist. She works with parents to teach them how to empower and educate their kids about body safety, boundaries and consent, so that they can prevent abuse and break intergenerational cycles, particularly if the parents are child sexual abuse survivors themselves. This is education that all parents can use, and her job is to empower them to teach it.


What's been one of the hardest challenges you've ever come as a woman? And how do you do it?

One of the hardest challenges I've had to overcome as a woman is really understanding that I can honor my own energy cycle. I've always tried to operate in the world with male energy, because that's what I thought I was supposed to do. And that was the standard operating procedure for everyone. But what I have learned over time is that honoring my own energy cycle, my own feminine energy has actually been more productive, and more enjoyable. So that's what I focus on now, is honoring my body before business and realizing that it's okay. So part of that has been learning to decolonize my way of operating in the world, and forgiving myself for needing rest and realizing that I actually don't even need to forgive myself. It's just something that I deserve and that everyone deserves. And so overcoming that mindset, I guess would have been the hardest challenge and just learning to be kinder and gentler with myself is how I've been able to overcome those mental challenges and be able to actually have a more fulfilling and enriching life.


What's a message or recommendation for other women that are going through adversity?

A message or recommendation that I have for women who are going through adversities is to not be afraid to ask for help. I remember hearing that many times in my own path, I was raised to not ever ask for help. To just deal with it myself, push through it on my own even if I was struggling and even if it was one of the hardest things I ever had to deal with, I had to do it myself. And what I wish that I had known is that it's okay to ask for help. And in fact, we can do things with greater impact for our own lives and the lives of others if we do it together. And if we let go of the shame that is built into us about asking for help, and be okay with receiving the help once you have been offered it. So on the flip side, one was that I didn't want to ask for help. And then if someone offered help, without me asking, I just felt like I couldn't accept it or I was not deserving of it. So I wouldn't receive it with open arms and ended up just having more difficulties because of it that I could have totally avoided if I had just been okay with receiving it without guilt or shame. So what I recommend for women is to reach out and ask for the help and when you are offered it, to actually receive it without guilt. So that would be my advice and message.


Share any upcoming project and where people can find you.

I have so many upcoming projects this year, I’m really excited. One of them is my TEDx talk that is coming up this year. I'm talking about how to end rape culture by dismantling the Madonna–whore complex. And so that's going to be one of the projects that I'm very excited to be sharing with the world, as well as a book that I'm writing, which is going to be A Survivor's Guide To Teaching Your Child Abuse Prevention. And it is specifically meant for survivors of child sexual abuse who want to do this work with their children of educating and empowering them, but don't know where to start or afraid to start, or feel challenged, if they've have already started. So this guide is meant to empower them. And so I'm working on that with Hay House currently, and hoping that that will be a project that will get picked up by them. Or other publishers, I'm also still looking for Latinx publishing companies that I would be proud to be supported by. So that's in the works. And then last but not least, I'm also excited about having a children's book series that I'm working on, specifically to teach children about the topic of secrets and how they can be smart about it and not fall prey or fall into the hands of tricky people who may try to get them to keep secrets. So that's another project that I'm very excited about.


Pam Covarrubias

Pam Covarrubias is an intuitive business coach, EFT practitioner, podcaster, and recovering procrastinator. She helps the rebels, the misfits, and the nonconformist women who want to feel supported, capable, and motivated. She and her team do this by removing overwhelming thoughts, working through limiting beliefs, and by creating space for them to disrupt their environments so they can exist with freedom, focus on what they want to do, and make the money they desire and deserve. They do this without glorifying productivity and honoring rest and your a person’s inner seasons. 


What's been one of the hardest challenges you've overcome as a woman? And how do you do it?

Well, truly, it's been existing in a world created by men. I have learned to disrupt with my differences. And I've learned to own my voice. And I was quiet and shy for a long time because I didn't find places I fit in, because I wasn't invited to tables. And after a while, I decided to create my own table. I did a lot of healing work, continue to do healing work. And this is the healing work that hurts a little. And this has led me to keep going and continue to challenge myself to show up and speak up. Most times when I don't want to do it because it's uncomfortable, most times my voice is shaking. However, I'm constantly reminding myself that the legacy I'm leaving behind will be a stepping stone for the women that come after me. Just like I'm able to exist right now because of the woman that came before me.


What's a message or recommendation for other women that are going through adversity?

I would say find your anchor. Find your grounding point. Find that reminder of why you do what you do. Find community who can support you and hold space for you to exist. It's super critical. And most importantly, find a safe space for you to process because swallowing the stress and worry is not a solution. And it's one of the reasons why I'm super passionate about helping women because oftentimes, we find ourselves isolated when it comes to real challenges. So my recommendation is to find a place where you feel like you belong, where you feel seen, where you feel heard, and where you feel safe.


Share any upcoming project and where people can find you.

My flagship program is Power Sisters, the only program that pairs you up with your own power sister to support you and hold you accountable. Inside the program, we work on mindful productivity, owning our voice and working with your inner seasons. You can find me @cobiux and @cafeconpampodcast on social media and of course my website at


Angie Rojo

Angie Rojo, formerly known as Angie Sanchez, is a first generation Latina, born and raised in Los Angeles, California. She is a quantum healing hypnosis practitioner. She guides people through various dimensions including past lives to ultimately connect with higher self. She is a self-love and intentional living mentor.


What's been one of the hardest challenges you've overcome as a woman? And how do you do it?

For me, it has been to allow myself to accept help along the way. In my early 20s, I felt as though I had to be extra guarded with men and sometimes women, thinking that if they helped me get the job or receive an opportunity, that one person would want something in return. If it were a man, for example, I would be afraid that they would want a romantic interest. I know, I'm not the only woman who experienced this. Because of this, I rarely rarely asked for help and guidance in my journey, in my career, in my life path, I had to figure everything out myself. And that required a lot of trial and error, and sometimes going through some dark alleys and hitting some walls. So it was not fun. But everything happens for a reason. Everything happens for purpose. Everything I experienced, has made me the woman I am today. And this has taught me that I'm pretty smart. And I can figure out how to do things on my own. However, trusting and asking for help will allow me to expand and grow at a faster pace, and especially with community. So this is something that I've learned to accept and to embrace in my life. And I cannot express that how important this is for any woman in their life journey, in their life path, in their career path.


What's a message or recommendation for other women that are going through adversity?

Read books, listen to podcasts, such as this one, follow people on social media that are doing what you want to do in life and connect with people that inspire you, that challenge you to show up as the best version of yourself. This is the best thing you can do. Life itself is a school. And so who are you surrounding yourself with. This is so important.


Share any upcoming project and where people can find you.

Currently, I have a group mentorship, it's called Self Mastery through Self-Love. This is such a beautiful, profound experience. It's a four-week mentorship, we meet every Sundays, we have an intimate group of women that gather on Sunday evenings to go within, to fall in love and to liberate themselves. We work through blocks, we work on connecting with God itself, warrior-self, higher-self, ancestors, guides, we really tap into the full power that is us, that is within us, is all around us. And this is what my mentorship focuses on. It’s really, truly going within, empowering yourself, understanding what has happened in life, and understanding those blocks, the reason, the teachings behind it and the wisdom behind it. And our next round coming up is going to be March 28. So I'm really excited for all the women that are going to gather for that round of mentorship. I am so excited to connect with this soul family that's out there ready and waiting to connect.


Read Part II of the blog HERE, where I shared a little bit of my own journey, a recent situation I’ve had and how I was able to resolve it, as well as my message and recommendation for other women who are going through adversities. 


With Love, 

Dr. Lydiana

Listen to the Podcast Episode
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