16. Rediscovering my Medicina

Today on, ‘Licensed Psychologist, Now What?’ Podcast I talk about my own journey. Before jumping into what this episode is about I wanted to THANK YOU! It really gives my purpose a lot more meaning knowing that I am connecting with people that are enjoying and learning from what this show offers.

After living what has been a very intense year (or two but who’s counting?) I can finally say that I have been able to start the process where I am rediscovering my medicina (medicine) by really aligning with my own truth. Today I wanted to share where I am in this process and even though I haven’t reached the end of the road, as there is still a lot more work to do I have discovered what I can call my gifts as a healer, my medicina, and how things have shifted in my personal and professional life giving me the opportunity to bring them forward to the world.

Can you identify those things in your life that were facts at some point in time but no longer serve you?  Are you in a moment of change in your life? It’s not easy to go through these changes in life and it can affect whole families because sometimes it means diverting from what our ancestors did so I have been very gentle when it comes to sharing these changes.

As I continue to do the work in all aspects of life, motherhood, business-wise, and finding my path to make it better for me and the ones around me I have to remind myself it’s not perfect and that is OKAY.

My wish for you is if you are going through a transition to give yourself the space to really do it and feel good about it.

Enjoy your Holiday time! If any of this is dear to your heart please help me by sharing this message so more people can benefit from it.

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Join us for this FREE online gathering!

We will focus on connecting  with each other and reflecting on the year and its lessons. There will also be Q&A towards the end.

Thursday, December 17th 5:00pm-6:15pm PT