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A Reclamation Journey!


The Beyond Resilience Life started as a bilingual (English / Spanish) podcast filled with inspiration, education, and action steps to help those affected by trauma reclaim their peace, joy, and love. However, it now has evolved to a space, and hopefully down the road a community, of like-minded folx that are also in their own reclamation journey.

We cannot change what happened in our lives or what others do to us, but we can definitely do something about the beliefs we internalize, how we see ourselves, learn skills to manage our emotions and responses, show grace to our healing journey and self-compassion. 

What happened to you (or continues to happen to you) doesn't have to dictate your thoughts, feelings/emotions, or sensations, your ability to relate to others and yourself, your joy and pleasure, and your hope for your life and future.

Resilience is usually defined as the ability to bounce back after adversity/traumas to our pre-existing functioning. Though I strongly believe that you deserve more than just returning to your pre-existing functioning. 

Trauma/adversities change us, but part of this change can be towards building a stronger connection to your soul/calling, to your lineage and well ancestors, to your land/home, to your joy and pleasure, having healthy relationships with others and with yourself, feeling supported and providing support to others, and so much more. This is what I conceptualize as living beyond resilience, being transformed by what happened (or continues to happen) to us.

You might wonder if this is even possible, especially after what you went through. And though I don't know what happened to you (or continues to happen), I have this deep inner knowing (deep in my bones) that it is time that you liberate yourself from all the ways your trauma/adversities are robbing you of your life. You deserve it. We deserve it. 

I am here to remind you whenever you forget.

Join me in this life mission to reclaim our joy, love, medicinas, dreams, and inner peace.


To remind you that you are whole regardless of what you went through and that you deserve to live a joyful, peaceful, healthy and purposeful life.


Educate about how trauma/adversities impact us, and ways to promote resilience

Empower to reclaim all of you and to live a soulful meaningful life

Equip you with effective resilience skills



Virtual or in-person classes

Digital courses

Individual and Group Coaching

Speaking Engagements 

Collaborations with other agencies

Podcast: The Beyond Resilience Life and Licensed Psychologist, Now What?


En Español

A personas que están interesadas en aprender más sobre destrezas de manejo de emociones, resiliencia y sanar traumas. En Español website


Psychotherapists and Psychologists that are creating offerings beyond therapeutic services

Entreprenenurs Women and Femmes

Coaching services and other healing spaces and offerings.

Those touched by trauma

Folx that have experienced trauma and want to learn more about living beyond resilience, trauma-informed education, managing triggers and emotions, and healing.

Have questions? Fill out the form below and we will get back to you. You can also send an email to [email protected]


Coaching Services

Coaching Services

Designed to help entrepreneur women and femmes that feel stuck and/or like there is something holding them back identify and release what others and the systems have dictated them to be (i.e. trauma, generational patterns, systems of oppression, and more), reclaim who they really are and bring their gifts and medicinas into our World. 

Schedule an Exploration Call

For Online Therapreneurs

Reconnecting with Your Soul's Desire and Gifts

A PDF Guide for psychotherapists and healers that are in the journey of reclaiming their gifts and medicinas


1:1 Strategy Coaching Call

A 60-min coaching call to consult about your cases, your private practice, or online offerings. 

Creating and Running Your Podcast Trello Board

A step-by-step process from conceptualizing to promoting a podcast. Includes 5 Editable Canva templates for your social media graphics


Delegating and Optimizing Content Masterclass

A recorded Masterclass on how to repurpose content, and delegate work to virtual assistants.

FREE Resiliency Tools

Self-Regulation Plan

A 8-page PDF in which you will craft a plan to help you feel calmer when you get dysregulated.


Welcome to another episode of Licensed Psychologist, Now What? podcast. Today is a very special episode where I’ll be sharing five recommendations for any of you that are looking to hire a coach to help you bring your medicinas.

This podcast is all about following the journey of my fellow psychotherapists and healers that are embarking to bring forward their medicinas, to follow their path in life, and to follow whatever it is that they're feeling called to do. If you're looking for help, listen to the full episode for the five recommendations and things that I think are important to share in that journey.

Listen Now

Connecting with the Great Mother: Transforming Our Lives and the World


To close the month of mothers, I want to share with you a profound and transformative topic: the Great Mother. Connecting with her can not only heal your personal wounds but also contribute to the improvement of the world in general.

In these challenging times, it is crucial to acknowledge the ongoing genocides and human rights atrocities occurring around the world; Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Haití and many more. Being conscious of these tragedies and the suffering they cause, it becomes even more imperative to connect with the Great Mother. By embracing her nurturing and healing energy, we can cultivate compassion, resilience, and a deeper commitment to justice and peace. This connection can empower us to take meaningful action and support those who are most affected, fostering a world where love and empathy prevail. 


Imperfect Motherhood Stories

I’ve created a podcast episode about imperfect motherhood with the intention of normalizing this "imperfection" while we're mothering, especially right now, as social media is highlighting of this idea of what a mom or a caregiver should be. This newer generations who are parenting are surrounded with an extra layer of pressure. We’re being super informed and by having all this access to so much information, then also comes the pressure. 

It is my honor to share with you stories of some friends and ex colleagues, who are mothers, about an experience where they felt they were not being a perfect mother, and just normalizing that, and then sharing a message for all of you.


Survivor Love Letter

I wanted to dedicate this blog post to anyone that was touched by or experienced sexual assault, or sexual abuse or rape. I’ll be sharing 10 Loving Reminders with the intention that they be received by the unconscious parts of you that can listen without the filter of the conscious, and all the biases, and all the “I can't, I am not suppose, I'm not good enough”. If you’d allow me, I wanted to bypass all of that and go straight to your heart, straight to your essence, and to your spirit to help remind you of some truth that can be liberating and that can help you in your journey.


Join us for this FREE online gathering!

We will focus on connecting  with each other and reflecting on the year and its lessons. There will also be Q&A towards the end.

Thursday, December 17th 5:00pm-6:15pm PT