Episode 86: Improving the Relationship with Ourselves

Uncategorized Feb 04, 2021

As we enter February, a month where we celebrate love and relationships, I wanted to focus and bring awareness to what can be the most important relationship in our life which is the one we have with ourselves. In our lives, relationships with others will mostly come and go but we will always have our own self and today I wanted to share some ways in which you can foster and improve this relationship with yourself.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Before continuing with our episode I wanted to share an exciting announcement! On 2/20 2021 @ 8 pm, I will be part of a great event with Nicole Garcia about Navigating Emotional Manipulation with Parents. If you are interested don’t hesitate to join us! Sign Up Here


  • How can we foster our relationship with ourselves?
  • How can we increase our knowledge about ourselves? Can we be more curious about this relationship?
  • How do you relate to yourself?
  • What do you say to yourself and how do you talk with yourself?
  • Where did we learn to connect with ourselves?

When you foster your relationship with yourself, by working on self-love and self-compassion, you are able to guide others into better relationships with you.

Today I invite you to listen to some ways that you can implement to help you look further into your relationship with yourself and figure out how you can make it a better one.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out via DM or email. If any of this resonates with you or if you meet the criteria please check out The Beyond Resilience Life Community via The Mighty Network. You can join by clicking HERE

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Join us for this FREE online gathering!

We will focus on connecting  with each other and reflecting on the year and its lessons. There will also be Q&A towards the end.

Thursday, December 17th 5:00pm-6:15pm PT